Avengers: Infinity War was one of the hottest blockbusters of 2018. The story takes the viewer to otherworldly movie locations across the globe as the Avengers attempt to stop the supervillain, Thanos. While many of these locations are fictional – some scenes take place on other planets – two locations depicted in the film can be toured right here on planet Earth.
Check out Jaya Travel’s new edition of “On Location” to see how you can step into the realm of Avengers: Infinity War by visiting the thrilling film locations.
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Avengers: Infinity War Film Locations
Banaue Rice Terraces, Philippines
Without major spoilers, the end scene features Thanos in self-exile contemplating everything that’s led him to these final moments. This scene was filmed in a studio, but thanks to CGI technology the scene appears to be filmed in the Banaue Rice Terraces of the Philippines.
Often called the “8th Wonder of the World,” the rice terraces were carved into the sides of the mountains in Ifugao by ancient people with little to no technology. Experts believe the terraces could be as old as 2,000 years. Whatever their age, the terraces reflect just how deeply rice is embedded in the local culture. Tribes in the area worship rice deities and ceremonies include rituals surrounding rice cultivation, harvesting, consumption, and more.
Visitors to the terraces will not only enjoy an incredible sight worthy of Instagram; they can also visit the local tribes to learn their customs and participate in traditional spiritual healings.
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Brazil
When Thanos goes searching for the coveted Soul Stone, he visits the planet Vormir. The real-life location for this planet is a national park in Brazil along the Caribbean coast to the north. The site was chosen for its unusually white sand and bright lagoons. At first glance, you may think this area is a desert, but actually, the region experiences frequent rainfall, which is the source of the lagoons’ water. The rain is trapped between dunes, however, because beneath the sand lies impenetrable rock.
Discover More With Jaya
So, do you want to follow in Thanos’ footsteps and hunt for the Soul Stone yourself? Or maybe you’re interested in touring another destination from your favorite movie. Wherever you’re going, call Jaya Travel. We’re happy to arrange a customized tour!